Mobile games
This games can be played on all kind of mobile phones or computers supporting J2ME MIDP
Any question or comments (installation/runtime problems, etc.) can be sent to h.gergo@freemail.hu, I like reading e-mails
and if you have a picture about how the game looks like on your mobile, send that to me too.
You can put the games on your web page, but please put a link to http://mobile.motoros.hu as well.
This games are for free, but if you like the games please donate some money to help me to develop more games. You can donate via the following icon:
(note: the paypal web pages will be shown in a new window)
Top Donors
Rank | Name | Amount | Picture | Facebook |
1. | Dave Bush | 1.00 GBP + 10.000 HUF |  |  |
2. | Sunita Hansback | 10.00 GBP |  |  |
3. | Rafael Kitauchi | 5.00 GBP |  |  |
4. | Elizabeth Scanlon Thomas | 1.11 GBP |  |  |
5. | James Collett | 1.10 GBP |  |  |
6. | Bernd Stoeger | 1.01 GBP |  |  |
The page is under construction, new features, new applications will be added soon and more detailed descriptions and
more screenshots will be provided in the near feature too. Also for some of the games on this web page additional functionality
will be provided (E.g. you will be able to check the previous games of your opponent!;-)).
An English forum will be also provided to discuss the problems and future ideas about the games.
Check back regularly.
A newsletter will be sent to keep you updated about the latest developments. You can subscribe to the newsletter below:
Sorry, but the other pages are available only in Hungarian...
MemoryGame *NEW*
Changes to the previous version:
- No public previous version
The goal of the game is to find all pairs of the cards and collect more than your opponent(in multiplayer mode)
In multiplayer game select the connection type:
- Bluetooth server: wait for client to connect
- Bluetooth client: search for games and select opponent
- Internet: login to the server, get users, and select opponent or wait for others to invite you to a game.
Registered users can add/remove other registered users as friends.
Friends are shown everytime with their status, when you log in.
- Up - key 2
- Down - key 8
- Left - key 4
- Right - key 6
- Fire, reveal a tile - key 5
- Chat with opponent - #
BattleShips *NEW*
Changes to the previous version:
- Resized pictures to fit to the screen
- Effects (light & vibration), when your ship is hit
- Error fixes
- ? marking to show that you are waiting for the answer from the other party
- Empty tiles and ships to be found icons
- Show whose turn it is
The goal of the game is to find all the enemy's ships and sink them.
In multiplayer game, first place your ships, they cannot be adjacent to eachother,
then start the game, select the connection type:
- Bluetooth server: wait for client to connect
- Bluetooth client: search for games and select opponent
- Internet: login to the server, get users, and select opponent or wait for others to invite you to a game.
Registered users can add/remove other registered users as friends.
Friends are shown everytime with their status, when you log in.
- Up - key 2
- Down - key 8
- Left - key 4
- Right - key 6
- Fire, place/pick up a ship - key 5
- Rotate ship - key 7 or key 1
- Chat with opponent - #
MillGame (Nine Men's Morris) *NEW*
Changes to the previous version:
- Resized pictures to fit to the screen
The game is a classical mill game (Nine Men's Morris), but you cannot remove an opponent's piece if it is in a mill,
even if no other pieces are available for removal.
Cursor colors and shapes:
- If the cursor is red you cannot do anything on that place
- If it is green then you can
- Blue cursor means that it is not your turn
- X cursor means removal
- Square cursor is used in placing phase and when you pick up and move a piece
- Circle cursor is used in moving and jumping phase
- Bluetooth server: wait for client to connect
- Bluetooth client: search for games and select opponent
- Internet: login to the server, get users, and select opponent or wait for others to invite you to a game.
Registered users can add/remove other registered users as friends.
Friends are shown everytime with their status, when you log in.
- Up - key 2
- Down - key 8
- Left - key 4
- Right - key 6
- place/pick up/remove a piece - key 5
- Chat with opponent - #
Minesweeper *NEW*
Changes to the previous version:
- Resized pictures to fit to the screen
- Only English language others will come
- 3 difficulty levels
- Improved look and feel
The goal is to discover the mines hidden on the game field as fast as you can.
A number on an uncovered field means how many mines are on the neighbouring fields.
- Up - key 2
- Down - key 8
- Left - key 4
- Right - key 6
- Flag a mine - key 7
Changes to the previous version:
- 4 languages (English, German, Czech, Hungarian)
The goal is to close the balls into smaller areas that sum is less than the 40% of the originally empty area.
You have 3 lives to achive this target. If you succeed the number of balls increases.
- Up - key 2
- Down - key 8
- Left - key 4
- Right - key 6
- Stop - key 5
motoros.hu Games
Changes to the previous version:
- no previous version
With this MIDlet suite you can save about 3 Kb if you want all the 2 games.